Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Homework Assigned 12/15/11 DUE: 1/4/11

*Homework will be due on Wednesday, January 4th (because there isn't school on Monday, the 2nd).

1. Reading
□ R.A.H. (every night for 30 minutes)
□ Reading worksheet: A Poetic Visitor

2. Math
□ Practice 4.5, 5.1, & 5.2 (show all work on graph paper).

3. Word Work
□ Take Home/Dear Parents - Pg. 22

4. Technology (Blogger)/Writing:
□ Write a paragraph (or more) about what you did over the break. Proof read with an adult and then post your blog! Feel free to post a photo along with your writing and feel free to make comments your peers blogs.