Monday, August 31, 2009

Student Planner's

We will be working with student planners this school year. It will be a wonderful resource to use! However, with classroom budget restrictions we are asking that each child bring $5.00 to pay for their planner. The planners will arrive in soon!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5 Grade Supply List

1 box 24 or 48 wax crayons
6 #2 pencils
1 package colored pencils
1 ruler, standard/metric
Notebook paper, wide ruled
1 ream white paper, 8 ½ x 11 (20#)
4 spiral notebooks
• 1 red
• 1 blue
• 1 green
• 1 yellow
1 plastic zipper pouch
Book bag or backpack
1 box of Kleenex

* I would really like each student to also bring a packet of 4 tennis balls.

Beach & BBQ

Last week I went to the beach with my friend that lives in Montana, her husband, and two other good friends. :0)

A few nights ago we had my mom, her husband, my brother, and his wife over for dinner.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

More summer pics!

After summer school I went to a conference in Seattle with some teachers. We had a lot of fun!

When I got back from Seattle, I took a friend up to North Fork :0)

In-between these activities, I've been hanging out with my husband (he's building a shed), taking more classes (the photo below is of a class that I took at Mission Park, we road the Wheatland Ferry), and I've actually been texting Tom! Yes, you read that right...Tom knows how to TEXT! Here is a wonderful photo of him and his new granddaughter.

What a cutie pie!

I also went to visit a friend of mine and his wife. They had a beautiful baby boy about three weeks ago.