Friday, February 15, 2013

Homework Assigned 2/21/13 DUE 2/26/13

1. Reading
□ R.A.H. (every night for 
30 minutes)
□ Reading worksheet: Muscles in the Wild
Mrs. Tiano’s Class
□Freedom Trail
□Car Wash

2. Math
□Work on your Falcon Facts

3. Word Work
□ No word work this work.

4. Science Fair
□ Be prepared for your project

Friday, February 08, 2013

Homework Assigned 2/7/13 DUE: 2/12/13 (Speeches will be given on the 14th)

1. Reading
□ R.A.H. (every night for 30 minutes)
□ There is no reading worksheet this week. I want students to focus on their R.A.H., science project,  fast falcon facts, speech, and math packet.

2. Math
□ Daily Falcon Facts
□ Decimal Math Packet

3. Word Work
 Speech - See guidelines below (guidelines were sent home on Thursday)

Name: _____________________
~Famous Black American Speech~
Present on Thursday, February 14, 2013.

The basis of your project will be a speech on the famous black American that you have been writing about for your research project. Make sure that you present the key points that are listed below for your speech. You can only use 3 by 5 cards to help assist you during your speech, BUT you cannot read directly from your cards.

Each student should know this information really well, because of the time that we’ve spent on this project in class. Attached is a practice form. For this speech, you DO NOT have to turn in a parent signature form.

Famous Black American:________________________________

v  Introduce the Person
Explain what the person is important in American History:

v  Background Information
  1. When were they born?

  1. Where did they live? Where did they grow up?

  1. Tell something about their family/childhood.

v  Interesting Facts

Here are some ideas…what college did they attend, what job(s) did they have, what did they accomplish in their life?

v  How did this person make a difference in America?

v  What period of history did they live (example: during the Civil War, during the Civil Rights movement, are they still alive today?)

v  What was the struggle during their time?

v  What were they fighting for?

v  How did they help change our country?

v  Why do we remember them?