Vivid Vocabulary Requirements
• Your first vivid vocabulary word is _________________________________________________.
• You are to do the following by Friday, November 20th:
o Write the word large at the top of the paper (at least 2 inches). Use a dictionary first to write the definition under the word (if you can’t find the word in the dictionary, you can use the internet).
o Color the word so it stands out (block letters work well).
o Draw a picture showing a scene of what the word means (3-D pictures will get you more points-use scrap booking supplies, cotton balls, popsicle sticks, construction paper, Cheerios, etc to make it stand out)
o Write a sentence using your vocabulary word.( On the bottom)
o Practice saying your word, definition and sentence because you will need to make an oral presentation to the class after Thanksgiving Break.
o Bring your word in on Friday morning the teacher assistant will put it up on the “Vivid Vocabulary” board.
**It is important to be neat, careful and try to be creative as you work on this project. It is always a good idea to discuss this with your family and you can get some help from them on this one. I encourage family participation for this project. The main idea is to build your vocabulary so you will learn new and interesting words.
*Turn this paper into the homework basket on Friday with a parent signature.
Parent Signature_____________________________________