Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5th Grade FOREST Studies Trip :0)

The fifth grade students will be taking TWO field trips to the Santiam State Forest. The first will be TUESDAY, MARCH 31ST. We will be going to the Santiam State Forest Horse Camp in Gates. We will not be riding horses. (If you’d like to plan ahead, the second trip will be TUESDAY, MAY 26th). It will be to Santiam State Forest Shellburg Falls in Lyons. A separate permission letter will come to you in the spring for that trip. On each trip, the buses will depart at 9:15 A.M. and return at 2:00 P.M.

Because of a grant from the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, there is NO COST to students or chaperones.

Students will need to bring a sack lunch and appropriate clothing for the weather. RUBBER BOOTS MAY BE A GOOD IDEA. Students may also bring a book, a game boy, headphones, etc. If these items are lost, Forest Ridge is not responsible.

We will need chaperones. School district policy requires all chaperones to have a criminal history background check completed and approved (takes 3-4 weeks) before attending. If you are interested and have completed the form, please indicate below. If you have not completed a form and would like to go on a future trip please ask at the office for a form and turn it in soon so you will be able to attend our next trip.

Mrs. Kerr
Mrs. Koenig


My child_______________________ has permission to attend the March 31st forest field trip.

Parent signature: ______________________________.

I’d like to attend as a chaperone and have a completed background check on file with the school.


 My child will bring a sack lunch
 MY child will buy a lunch from the school lunch program. By checking this box a lunch will be ordered, and your child’s account will be charged. THIS REQUEST MUST BE MADE BY TUESDAY, MARCH 10th. AFTER THAT DATE, A SCHOOL LUNCH CANNOT BE ORDERED.