1. Reading□ R.A.H. (every night for 30 minutes)
□ Reading worksheet: The Art of the Elephants
2. Math□ Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators:
10.3 problems 1-13
10.6 problems 1-26
*work can be completed on the worksheets or on graph paper.
3. Word Work
□ Create your own comic strip. It can be over what you did during spring break or it can be on anything else you choose. You will be graded on conventions and art.
□ Vivid Vocab: Directions will be sent home. Just in case, see directions below:
Spring Break Vivid Vocabulary
Pick one word
from the book that you are reading. This word must be interesting. It must be a
word that you think would be “new” to your peers.
You are to do the
following by Tuesday, April 3rd (use card stock provided):
Write the word
large at the top of the paper (at least
2 inches). Use a dictionary first to
write the definition under the word
(if you can’t find the word in the dictionary, you can use the Internet).
Color the word
so it stands out (block letters work well).
Draw a picture
showing a scene of what the word means (3-D
pictures will get you more points-use scrap booking supplies, cotton balls,
popsicle sticks, construction paper, Cheerios, etc to make it stand out)
Write a sentence using your vocabulary word.( On the bottom)
Practice saying
your word, definition and sentence because you will need to make an oral
presentation to the class on the day that it is due.
**It is important to be neat,
careful and try to be creative as you work on this project. It is always a good idea to discuss this with
your family and you can get some help from them on this one. I encourage family participation for this
project. The main idea is to build your
vocabulary so you will learn new and interesting words.