Friday, January 30, 2009

Busy Week and Eventful Friday!

This week was very productive! We started a new literacy program, worked with the "scientific method", worked on math goals, and watched a dog perform in action! Have a great weekend and enjoy the photo’s!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Homework for the Week of 1/26-1/30 & Science Fair

Assigned Tuesday:
USA Weekly #12 - Quiz only (due Friday)

Assigned Today:
Math (due tomorrow)

Will be assigned tomorrow:
Math (due Friday)

Friday: No Homework

Science Fair

I expect each student to know what they plan on presenting for the science fair by this Friday. I have a list of 16 students how have already told me the name of their experiment. Parent slips were also due on Monday.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Science Fair Packet

The packet below will be sent home today. The formatting is a little different than what's in the packet:

It’s Time for 4th and 5th Grade Science Projects!

Each fourth and fifth grade Forest Ridge student will be responsible for a scientific experiment or demonstration. These projects will help in learning the process of Scientific Method: Hypothesis (or question), Materials and Procedure, Results, and Conclusion. These steps and how they apply to the projects will be taught at school. The projects will be scored as a speaking worksample, as well as a science worksample.

To find an experiment suitable for the Science Fair, your student and your family can look through books or on the internet. The library has many student-friendly science books, and there are lots of websites you’ll find if you search “science projects” or “science fair.” Most of the science project work will need to be done at home, but we may be able to provide some supplies from the classroom, if needed.

Experiments are due in class ON, BUT NOT BEFORE, the morning of Thursday, February 19th. Each child will present to the class sometime during the day. We’ll show our displays to other classes on Friday, February 20th.

The attached sheet gives guidelines and expectations for this project.

Please call, email, or send a note if you have questions.

Have fun!

Mr. Jorgensen
Mrs. Kerr
Mrs. Koenig
Mrs. Randall
Mrs. Brown

Science Fair Project Guidelines

Your project for the science fair will have two parts:

1. A display of your actual experiment to be shown on top of your desk

2. A large poster-size page (see below, paper provided by the school) to hang from the front of your desk showing (WITH LABELS) the following:
a. Title of your science project + Your Name + Your Room
b. Scientific Inquiry Question or Hypothesis
c. Materials and Procedure
d. Results
e. Conclusion

Please be sure your poster is oriented VERTICALLY to be able to fit and hang across the front of your desk!


Be sure to give yourself enough time to thoughtfully and carefully complete your project. You will need time to practice your presentation for the class, as well. Read and use the Speech Practice Form to help you do your best. Turn it in to get full effort credit. If you have questions or problems as you work, PLEASE LET YOUR TEACHER KNOW. I can help you! Like any big project, this will be easier and more fun if you work on it a little at a time, rather than wait until the last minute. Here is a suggested timeline to help you stay on track:

Thurs. Jan. 22: *Take home Science Project information.
Mon. Jan. 26: *RETURN signed assignment notice (see below).
Fri. Jan. 30: *Have your project IDEA CHOSEN.
Sat. Jan. 31 - Fri. Feb. 6:
*GATHER materials, CONDUCT your experiment.
Sat. Feb. 7 – Wed. Feb. 11:
*COMPLETE your poster.
Thurs. Feb. 12 to Wed. Feb. 18:
*DEVELOP and PRACTICE your speech. Be ready to TEACH your classmates what you’ve learned.
*Fill out the Speech Practice Form.
Thurs. Feb. 19: *BRING your project and display to school this morning, ready to PRESENT. SMILE and be PROUD as everyone sees your great work!
Fri. Feb. 20: *Projects will go home today after we “show and tell” our work to the other classes.

We have read the science project guidelines. _______________
will be bringing his/her science project to school on Thursday morning, February 19th. By using the suggested timeline, we know that we can plan carefully and use the FULL FOUR WEEKS allotted to be well-prepared!

_____________________ ____________________
Parent Signature Student Signature

It’s Time for 4th and 5th Grade
Science Projects!

Each fourth and fifth grade Forest Ridge student will be responsible for a scientific experiment or demonstration. These projects will help in learning the process of Scientific Method: Hypothesis (or question), Materials and Procedure, Results, and Conclusion. These steps and how they apply to the projects will be taught at school. The projects will be scored as a speaking worksample, as well as a science worksample.

To find an experiment suitable for the Science Fair, your student and your family can look through books or on the internet. The library has many student-friendly science books, and there are lots of websites you’ll find if you search “science projects” or “science fair.” Most of the science project work will need to be done at home, but we may be able to provide some supplies from the classroom, if needed.

Experiments are due in class ON, BUT NOT BEFORE, the morning of Thursday, February 19th. Each child will present to the class sometime during the day. We’ll show our displays to other classes on Friday, February 20th.

The attached sheet gives guidelines and expectations for this project.

Please call, email, or send a note if you have questions.

Have fun!

Mr. Jorgensen
Mrs. Kerr
Mrs. Koenig
Mrs. Randall
Mrs. Brown

Science Fair Project Guidelines

Your project for the science fair will have two parts:

1. A display of your actual experiment to be shown on top of your desk

2. A large poster-size page (see below, paper provided by the school) to hang from the front of your desk showing (WITH LABELS) the following:
a. Title of your science project + Your Name + Your Room
b. Scientific Inquiry Question or Hypothesis
c. Materials and Procedure
d. Results
e. Conclusion

Please be sure your poster is oriented VERTICALLY to be able to fit and hang across the front of your desk!

Be sure to give yourself enough time to thoughtfully and carefully complete your project. You will need time to practice your presentation for the class, as well. Read and use the Speech Practice Form to help you do your best. Turn it in to get full effort credit. If you have questions or problems as you work, PLEASE LET YOUR TEACHER KNOW. I can help you! Like any big project, this will be easier and more fun if you work on it a little at a time, rather than wait until the last minute. Here is a suggested timeline to help you stay on track:

Thurs. Jan. 22: *Take home Science Project information.
Mon. Jan. 26: *RETURN signed assignment notice (see below).
Fri. Jan. 30: *Have your project IDEA CHOSEN.
Sat. Jan. 31 - Fri. Feb. 6:
*GATHER materials, CONDUCT your experiment.
Sat. Feb. 7 – Wed. Feb. 11:
*COMPLETE your poster.
Thurs. Feb. 12 to Wed. Feb. 18:
*DEVELOP and PRACTICE your speech. Be ready to TEACH your classmates what you’ve learned.
*Fill out the Speech Practice Form.
Thurs. Feb. 19: *BRING your project and display to school this morning, ready to PRESENT. SMILE and be PROUD as everyone sees your great work!
Fri. Feb. 20: *Projects will go home today after we “show and tell” our work to the other classes.

We have read the science project guidelines. _______________
will be bringing his/her science project to school on Thursday morning, February 19th. By using the suggested timeline, we know that we can plan carefully and use the FULL FOUR WEEKS allotted to be well-prepared!

_____________________ ____________________
Parent Signature Student Signature

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photo's of the Last Two Weeks

Roots & Shoots

This morning our school had some special guests visit us from the Roots & Shoots organization. This program was founded by Dr. Jane Goodall. A few of my students did a mini presentation.

Homework for the Week of 1/12-1/16

Assigned Monday:
Accelerated Math (due Tuesday)

Assigned Tuesday:
Accelerated Math (due Wednesday)

USA Weekly #12 - Quiz only (due Friday)

Assigned Today:
Scholastic News (due Thursday)
Reading Worksheet (due Thursday)

Will be assigned tomorrow:
Math (show your parents a trick and parents must sign)



Even though I email parents, I still expect students to write in their planner each day AND take them home EACH day. It would be helpful if parents checked to see if these planners made it home. I would like parents to sign planners AT LEAST once or twice a week.

Human Development Class Times

We had to change the times for next week. Instead of class on Wednesday and Thursday, class will be on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-3:00.

Special "Tree" Guest

Last week we had a special guest visit us from an organization called, "Talk About Trees." Mr. Clark Bray presented some great information about trees. In a few weeks he is going to come back to our class and we are going to make paper!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Human Development Parent Letter

Students will not be able to attend this class, without parent premission.

Below is the letter that I sent home today:

Dear Parents of 5th Grade Students,

The District’s human development portion of the health curriculum will be taught January 21st and 22nd this year. If you would like to preview the student materials that will be used, you may stop by the office Wednesday, January 13th through Friday, January 15th, 2009.

The curriculum will help students understand the changes that they and others are experiencing as they mature. Because of this increased awareness, they should develop a respect for their own bodies and those of the opposite gender.

Fifth grade students will receive instruction in biological changes that they are experiencing or are about to go through. For their instruction, the fifth grade boys and girls will be separated by gender.

You may decide to have your child miss this portion of the curriculum. In order for us to know how to meet your wishes in this area, please respond to one of the statements below and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher. It must be returned before your child can participate in the program. Excused children will work on school work in another room.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (503) 399-5548.


Beth Kerr, Sara Koenig, Rob Coiner, & Gary Etchemendy



Child’s Name____________________ Classroom Teacher__________________

Please check one and return to child’s classroom teacher.
_____ I hereby grant my permission for my child to participate in the program.
_____ I do NOT want my child to participate in the program.

______________________________ ____________________
Parent signature Date

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Homework for the Week of 1/5-1/9

Assigned Tuesday:
USA Weekly #11 (Crossword and Think & Review) Due 1/9/09

Math(mean, median, mode, range): Front and back side of worksheet, odd numbers only.

Reading - "Shall We Dance?" worksheet - Due 1/9/09


Scholastic News (only the back) Due 1/13/09

Speeches are tomorrow!

Please make sure that your child is prepared for their speech. Speeches are scheduled tomorrow from 1:30-2:30 & Thursday from 10:00-11:00. If you would like to watch, please email me. Each student needs to bring their project, the map, and they will need to turn in a written form of their speech.

Monday, January 05, 2009


Sat. January 3rd 9-12 Free "Helmet Bookends"
Ages 5-12 503-587-7130

Sat. January 10th 10-11am "Build Your own Time Capsule" Free Register

Sat. January 3rd 11:00am Kids will plant a cactus and talk about they survive in dry conditions. Woodburn $5 (503)981-1245

Sat. January 3rd 10-12am Create your own "CD Rack" $3

Sat. January 31st Free Family Event...'Valentine Card Making' 10-1

Thursday, January 8th 6-7pm Colored Sand Picture Frames

Saturday January 24th "Radio Disney" 1-3pm Live entertainment, games, prizes (Outside Sports Authority)

Sat.January 10th Double Play Saturday Doors open 11:45
Play: Mime Loud and Clear Movie: High School Musical 3
$10 per person, movie, pizza, drink and candy!

Sat. January 10th Family Fun Saturday..'Make your own Journal' modeled after one from the 1840's 11-1 free

Tuesday Jan. 13th 5:30-7:30 Pirates!! Bring your Mateys!!
Dinner, Crafts, Door prizes....$3 Adult $2 Child Call 399-2796

Monday January 19th 11-2
Visit six countries in one day..Multi-cultural Celebration! Games, crafts, hands on activities!

Friday, Jan. 23rd No School! Come watch Wall-e at Loucks Lecture Hall 2pm

Friday January 30th THE GREAT LIBRARY CAMP IN !!! (Bring your sleeping bags, pillows and footy pajamas =)
Come on......this is the best!! Who is going to snuggle up with me and my boys in non-fiction for the night?? I'll even smuggle in a diet -Pepsi for us this year Josh =) "Let Your Imagination Soar" is this years theme! There will be an evening full of crafts, activities, and a bedtime story by a professional storyteller! Just PLEDGE to turn your TV OFF from Jan 25th-31st!! YES...YOU CAN ALL DO THIS!! Be a role model for your children=) Turn in pledge forms by Jan 25th or call the Library at 588-6088

Friday, January 02, 2009

Family Sharing Reminder :0)

If you would like to come and teach a lesson to our class, we would love to have you. A lesson could be taught on reading, writing, art, math, health, or on anything you specialize in! Kids love it when families can be apart of our class.

Math Whizz

If your child has Math Whizz, I strongly suggest that they use the "lesson" portion of it about 30 minutes a day. It's a great program!

Tennis Balls

Our classroom could use a donation of tennis balls, as many as possible. Tennis balls are used at the bottom of chairs and desk. They prevent scuffed up floors and they help with volume (especially with a large number of students).

State Testing

Fifth graders will be going through their first round of state testing in Reading & Math. This will take place during the second and third week of January. Please make sure your child brings a snack to school and a water bottle (I encourage this for each day).

Speeches & Project

A time for speeches will be blocked out on Wednesday & Thursday. Each student needs to be prepared to give their speech on Wednesday, January 7th. Each child also needs to be prepared to turn in their project. Guidelines are posted on the blog below. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Party "Make-Up"

The December Birthday's will be rescheduled for Thursday, January 8th at 2:50.

The Winter Party will be rescheduled for Friday, January 9th at 1:00. If your child signed up to bring food/drinks, please make sure that they bring their item by Thursday.

The class still will be having their book exchange. Books and treats for the party can arrive Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday. I will find a spot in our classroom for these items.